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Public Information
Activities on the Internet

Keeping the public informed of emergency management activities in your community is a key function of local emergency management agencies. The use of an e-mail distribution list and a web site can help to meet this need.

As more of the public has access to the Internet, so has the demand for timely emergency information. FEMA and the National Hurricane Center set record demands for service at their web sites during hurricanes and other disasters.

FEMA's web site provides a great example of how a web site can be used to provide both emergency information, as well as recovery news and preparedness information.

Local emergency management agencies can provide similar services to their community. In developing a web site, keep in mind your target audience. Many emergency managers develop sites that contain little local information, but numerous links to other emergency management related sites. Try to avoid developing just another links site. Focus on your community hazards and local emergency preparedness programs. Use links to other sites that contain data relevant to your hazards.

Don't forget to keep your information current. Online postings of newsletters or other bulletins can keep residents coming back for more. Include the community in your local exercises by posting exercise data on your web site and sending them e-mail updates.

Develop an e-mail distribution list or list server and advertise your service. Provide your e-mail address and web site addresses to the local media. Add your e-mail address to business cards. If you have a web site, add the URL for it as well.

Work with your local school system, colleges, and other organizations that use Internet e-mail. Develop a community e-mail notification system for emergency management events.


